We produce our education and training material in conjunction with qualified subject experts. We will not produce material that spreads misinformation or conspiracy theories. We reserve the right to withdraw working on a project if a client attempts to use such content.
We try to adopt sustainable practices in our business such as reducing waste, recycling and using rechargable batteries. Our premises has solar panels and we drive an electric vehicle.
We champion diversity and inclusion in the work that we do and we will never knowingly discriminate against anyone on the grounds of gender, race, sexuality, disability or other protected characteristics.

For our full policy PDF, please view this document (PDF).

We will not produce material that contravenes common taste and decency or that spreads hate. We will not produce material that contains extreme political, religious or ideological views. We reserve the right to stop working on a project if a client attempts to introduce such content.
We are also dedicated to adhering to the UK Government Supplier Code of Conduct.